Commercial Building Washing
Regular washdowns of commercial buildings doesn’t just improve the look – it lengthens the lifespan too. With careful expertise we bring bright thinking to our cleaning work.
We think there are many beautiful buildings and structures throughout the country. We are proud to keep them that way and, in doing so, reducing the risk of costly exterior maintenance work.
Left unchecked on a building’s surface moisture and dirt can create mould and dangerous bacteria. That’s why regular washes are vital to preserving building exteriors.
We offer a range of washing solutions to cater for different surface types and different desired outcomes. From careful restoration work on historical edifices to high-tech work on modern architecture to above-and-beyond access on challenging and remote sites, our washing solutions are ideally matched to each project brief.
There are two main types of wash processes. First there is a passive wash-down with vigorous brushing followed by light or heavy washes with a water-blaster. Second there is a chemical wash-down, which is for treating problems associated with persistent growth or irregular maintenance. With many years of experience in this work you can trust our surface maintenance expertise to select the right kind of treatment for the best long-term result.
A thorough building wash process is typically undertaken annually, and often includes spider proofing, moss treatment, window cleaning and roof washing. We will schedule in work according to the various needs of your asset.
To give your building a clean bill of health, get in touch today.